This material is from my course and book on SAS for Epidemiologists. You can download chapters, and access the data sets, slides and full syntax at the Springer publishing site. A version of the syntax that creates some of the data sets is also available on the sidebar to your right. HTML 5 slide shows of the material are below.
The book and course are intended to teach folks who already have some introductory background in epidemiology and statistics how to use the SAS statistical computing system to read, clean and manipulate data, and analyze both categorical and continuous data. By the end of the course, you will be able to:
Part I: Working in SAS
Entering, manipulating and working with SAS Data
Exploring data with initial statistics and graphs
Part II: Descriptive and Categorical Data Analysis
Categorical Data Analysis I
Categorical Data Analysis II
Part III: Approaches to Continuous Data including ANOVA, Correlation and Linear Regression.
The book and course are intended to teach folks who already have some introductory background in epidemiology and statistics how to use the SAS statistical computing system to read, clean and manipulate data, and analyze both categorical and continuous data. By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Read raw data into SAS
- Manipulate and clean data sets using printing, merging and conditional expressions
- Apply statistical and graphical procedures for the descriptive analysis of data
- Conduct unadjusted and stratified categorical analysis and understand the concept of confounding
- Conduct and interpret ANOVA and be aware of the concept of interaction
- Understand correlation
- Conduct and interpret linear regression
- Understand and apply regression diagnostics.
Part I: Working in SAS
Entering, manipulating and working with SAS Data
Exploring data with initial statistics and graphs
Part II: Descriptive and Categorical Data Analysis
Categorical Data Analysis I
Categorical Data Analysis II
Part III: Approaches to Continuous Data including ANOVA, Correlation and Linear Regression.